Authentic community doesn’t just happen. I sure wish it did. Authentic community happens as a bi-product of lots of invitations and conversations. It’s risky and awkward, a bit like dating. We have to put ourselves out there. We have to share our stories, our time and our tables. So here is a challenge to help you brave the wilds of authentic community.
I challenge you to ask someone to share a meal with you this week. It can be at your home or in a restaurant. Even if they say no or cancel, you get credit for extending the invitation. You made them feel valuable and wanted. Invitations do that!
Need a bit of help with what to talk about? Ask this, “Tell me about an interesting decade in your life.” Let me know how it goes. If you are from my church and do this AND you post a picture in this thread of the people at your table, I’ll give you a dollar. That’s right! At my church you get cash for braving the wilds of authentic community.
Okay, they’re coming over tomorrow! Thanks for the challenge…