About Me

I’m Beth

I married Dan in the era of Doc Martens and stone washed jeans (1992). Four years later we had a darling little boy named Grant. Today Grant is in his 20’s, loves God, loves church, loves us and loves a girl named Rebecca.

We pastor a small church called City’s Edge in Portland Oregon that we planted in 1997. We are conservative in our theology and liberal in love. We are not fancy. Our ministry and people are not beautiful. But they are resilient, real, raw and honest. We love them deeply and are grateful to have been braving the wilds of authentic community with them for over two decades.

This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Corinthians 4:1

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Beth Banham’s short bio composed by Annette Collins

Beth Banham is a lover of potato chips, twinkies, hearing life stories, and Jesus, but her passion is to see the body of Christ know each other and love each other. Beth was born in Ethiopia to missionary parents, but quickly learned to love flush toilets and bathtubs upon returning to The States. Beth and her husband Dan helped to plant City’s Edge Community Church in 1996, and have been pastoring it now for nearly three decades. They have been married over 30 years and have one son. Beth is a certified speaker and coach with the John Maxwell Team. She provides training to churches to encourage authentic community in their congregations. She also provides coaching to individuals to help them “brave the wilds” of their life, career and relationships. She hopes to help you and your church “Brave what you’re designed for.” For more about Beth and her speaking and coaching opportunities, visit www.bethbanham.com

Beth is perceptive to the multiple layers of the human person and able to elicit your heart’s longings and translate your aspirations into the common place of your life. Even more, Beth is gifted with a keen, intuition, and able to sketch a portrait of the person you envision yourself to be. She acts as a catalyst and provides tangible applications to actualize this portrait into a fulfilling and thriving life. In your time with Beth, you will step back with her and see your life with more clarity, and even, like the person you are envisage yourself to be. -Daniel Licon

What I believe…

This is our City’s Edge Church (and my) Doctrine Statement. Scripture references courtesy of BibleGateway.org

Visit my website at www,bethbanham,com